Special Issue on Virtualization for Future Computing Systems
(Future Virtualization 2019)
This special issue of Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Elsevier calls for submissions on all avenues of virtualization that affects future computing systems. The call is open to all contributions, including technically sound research that produced negative results.
Prospective authors are encouraged to informally express their interest to the guest editors.
The special issue details are also available at JPDC website:
Carlos Reaño, Queen’s University Belfast, UK; c.reano@qub.ac.uk
Blesson Varghese, Queen’s University Belfast, UK; b.varghese@qub.ac.uk
Federico Silla, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain; fsilla@disca.upv.es
Virtualization is a widely used technology intended to enable efficient management of resources in computing systems that range from small desktops and clusters to large facilities such as Cloud data centers. This technology increases the utilization of the underlying hardware by offering multi-tenancy. Furthermore, isolation among multiple users on the same resource is also provided, which is a mechanism for effective deployment of workloads. On the other hand, virtualization is a platform to deal with heterogeneity of resources. Consequently, the virtualization technology impacts the entire computing stack - the hardware, middleware and application layers. Rapid advances in hardware acceleration, the drive towards efficiently achieving exascale computing, harnessing the use of multiple and decentralized Clouds and opportunities in decoupling physical and logical networks is paving way for significant innovation in the virtualization arena. Virtualization may be used in many other domains and for many other purposes, some of them not even thought yet. This special issue invites authors to submit original and innovative research articles that impact any avenue of virtualization for future computing systems.
Topics of interest include all avenues of virtualization that affects future computing systems, but are not limited to:
Platforms: Desktops, Clouds, Supercomputers, High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, micro data centers; for upcoming Fog/Edge computing and Internet-of-Things platforms
Hardware: Processors, accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, etc), memory, IO, network (SDN, NFV etc), storage
Middleware: Hypervisor support for the above; Abstraction of heterogeneous resources; Extending existing functionalities; Novel API Remoting and Hypervisor abstraction approaches in accelerator virtualization; Scheduling of virtualized resources; Multi-tenancy and its benefits
Technologies: Virtual machines, Containers, Unikernels; Frameworks dealing with any aspect of management, such as scheduling, live migration and orchestration; Support for multi-kernel approaches; Lightweight virtualization for resource constrained environments
Systems: Programming languages and models to support virtualization; Approaches relying on virtualization for improving reliability, energy-efficiency, latencies, resource under-utilization, resource availability, application performance and fault tolerance
Applications: Use of virtualization for traditional workloads on any platforms indicated above; Novel workloads in deep learning, mobile apps, IoT, smart cities, etc that rely on virtualization
To submit a paper you must go to this website: https://ees.elsevier.com/jpdc and login with your credentials. In the “Choose Article Type” Box, you must choose the option “VSI: Future Virtualization'19”.
Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter outlining the basic findings of the paper and their significance.
If your manuscript is an extended version of a conference paper, then it must contain at least 50% new core content.
Manuscripts should be no longer than 35 double-spaced pages, not including the title page, abstract, or references. Number all pages consecutively and organize the paper as follows:
Title page (page 1). This page should contain the article title, authors’ names and complete affiliations, footnotes to the title, and the address for manuscript correspondence (including e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers).
Abstract (page 2). The abstract must be a single paragraph that summarizes the main findings of the paper in less than 150 words.
After the abstract a list of up to 10 keywords that will be useful for indexing or searching should be included.
Authors must read the guide for authors in the following link: http://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-parallel-and-distributed-computing/0743-7315?generatepdf=true
Submission deadline – March 31, 2019. Extended to May 5, 2019
Notification date – June 30, 2019. Extended to August 4, 2019
Revisions due – August 15, 2019. Extended to September 22, 2019
Final decision – November 1, 2019. Extended to December 1, 2019
Camera ready – December 1, 2019. Extended to January 12, 2020
Estimated publication date – Beginning of 2020
All deadlines are set to 11:59 p.m. anywhere on Earth
For more information about this special issue or if you have any question, please contact the guest editors at c.reano@qub.ac.uk, b.varghese@qub.ac.uk or fsilla@disca.upv.es.